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Alexi Turner

Helping women navigate the complexities of life to embrace their potential, heal from within and live fulfilled meaningful lives with passion, grace, confidence and most importantly, love.

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What clients are saying

I'm blown away by Alexi’s wisdom and insight into men and relationships. Alexi helped me realize I was sabotaging my marriage and most importantly my own happiness. I started taking her advice by tapping into my soft feminine nature, focusing on my creative passions and the love I have for my husband again. I began to heal the anger I had for my father and went to his grave to drop off flowers for the first time. I have a debt of gratitude for Alexi for saving my marriage and more importantly for helping me to save myself.
Alexi is one of the most transformative coaches for women who aspire to have a better balance of feminine and masculine energies and are looking for a more fluid and adaptable type of coaching rather than following a rigid structure. Alexi’s spiritual nature brings a new level of consciousness about human nature and our place within this world. For me, this new awareness has been instrumental in finding and renewing a sense of peace and grounded feminine power within myself.
It’s incredible to witness Alexi in action. For every problem you’re dealing with, Alexi has a dozen suggestions for how you might experiment your way to a solution. For me, that was a big part of the fun in working with her. Instead of prescribing one “right” way to do things, Alexi was a supporter and wise sounding board who helped find my own unique path forward. If you like flexibility and experimentation rather than a prescribed structure you will really enjoy working with Alexi.
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